Dark Mountain Music


Learn to sing with Dark Mountain Music’s private singing lessons in Calgary. Choose your preferred lesson length, location, and availability. Let’s unleash your hidden voice on an adventure that’s tailored just for you!

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what to expect


We focus on YOUR goals. Our team of professional singing teachers will ensure that you’re hitting them in no time!


Choose your location: at home, an instructor’s home studio near you in Calgary, or learn to sing online! No more rush hour commutes to the music studio.

Safe & Qualified Instructors

Rest easy. Your vocal coach has passed a thorough background check and hold a music degree, diploma, or RCM education.

No Contracts or Agreements

We get it, things change! That’s why we have no long term or semester agreements. Take your singing lessons as long as you’d like!

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Private Singing Lessons

Trusted by 100+ families and aspiring musicians in Calgary


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Discounts available for multiple students in the same home and lessons beyond 60-minutes! One-time registration fee of $49 per family, only due upon the second lesson.


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Discounts available for multiple students in the same home and lessons beyond 60-minutes! One-time registration fee of $49 per family, only due upon the second lesson.


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Discounts available for multiple students in the same home and lessons beyond 60-minutes! One-time registration fee of $49 per family, only due upon the second lesson.


How soon can I anticipate improvement in my voice?

Improving your singing is like planting seeds or starting a new workout routine. Achieving a distinctive vocal tone necessitates dedication, persistence, and substantial effort. How quickly you progress depends on how often you practice and how well you take care of your voice.

In summary, vocal improvement evolves gradually. You might see some initial progress, but the real transformation happens with consistent and dedicated practice. Embrace the process, acknowledge minor triumphs, and relish the musical journey!

Can anyone acquire the skill of singing?

Absolutely! Singing is a skill that you can improve with regular practice and training, just like honing any other talent. Even if you believe you lack inherent talent, don’t let that dissuade you from pursuing your passion. With proper instruction and commitment, you’ll be pleasantly surprised by the strides you can make.

What is the ideal age to commence voice lessons?

Usually, kids between 8 and 12 years old show better control over their voice and increased self-awareness of their technique. This makes this age range ideal for starting vocal training. Nevertheless, at Dark Mountain Music, we assert that it’s never too early or late to embark on this musical journey.

People of all ages can boost their singing skills with the right commitment and support. Whether you’re a teen, adult, or senior, our voice lessons in Calgary cater to all. We strongly believe that a student’s passion and dedication matter more than their age.

Can I choose the songs for my lessons?

Absolutely! You possess the liberty to select the songs you wish to sing during your lessons. Incorporating music you love adds a layer of enjoyment and engagement to your performances. This way, you can truly connect with the material on a deeper level.

Plus, your teacher can offer advice tailored to your existing skills and the styles of music you prefer. The advice and lesson plans are always personalized to facilitate your evolution into the singer you aspire to be, fostering a lifelong love for music.

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Life’s challenges can be alleviated through singing, providing a unique channel to express complex emotions beyond words. Discover a new, personal means of sharing and communicating your feelings through this art form.

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man singing and girl playing guitar


Voice training is a continual process of enhancing your skills. Additionally, it enables you to take on new challenges such as live performing. This makes it a rewarding lifelong journey of self-improvement.


Singing is a communal journey. Jamming with folks in choirs, jam sessions, or open mics doesn’t just create awesome music but also builds connections, turning singing into a cool shared experience.

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singing and dancing girl


Taking vocal lessons can significantly up your confidence game, not just in music but in all areas of your life. Picture the self-assurance that comes with possessing the voice you’ve always dreamed of!

Contact us

Ready to kickstart your musical journey? Contact us now for the best singing lessons Calgary has to offer. Our roster of top-notch music teachers have the teaching style for you.

Interested in learning how to belt your favourite pop songs? Maybe you need to prepare for your next musical theatre audition or prepare for classical exams like the Royal Conservatory of Music? We’ve got you covered!
